Installing YAPI on a New Computer Workstation
Once our Technical Support team has installed the main YAPI program on your server, you can install YAPI on each of your practice's workstations. Just follow the steps below to download the files you need and complete the installation process, which takes about 5-10 minutes for each computer.
Table of Contents
- Step 1: Downloading YAPI's Install File
- Step 2: Installing the YAPI Dashboard Program
- Step 3: Installing Acrobat Reader
- Step 4: Selecting Your Clinic Location (Practices Using Clinics, View, or Sites Only)
- Related Articles
Step 1: Downloading YAPI's Install File
To download the files you need to install YAPI on a workstation, open this article on the workstation and then click the Download Now button below:
Tip: We suggest closing any applications that are currently running before starting your install.
Once your download is complete, find the install file yapi_dashboard_setup.exe in your Downloads (or wherever else you save downloaded files).
Step 2: Installing the YAPI Dashboard Program
To install the YAPI Dashboard program:
Locate the YAPI install file (yapi_dashboard_setup.exe) in the Downloads folder on your computer and double click it to begin the installation.
Follow the prompts that appear, reading and agreeing to the End User License Agreement, by clicking Allow, I Agree, and Next when asked:
If a Windows Features pop-up displays a message that An app on your PC needs the following Windows feature, click Download and install this feature. (These are features that YAPI need to be able to run properly.)
Then, wait for Windows to download and install the features. Then click Close.
You should now see a YAPI shortcut icon on your computer's desktop. Double-click it.
Note: If you see error E0499, click OK. Then right-click the YAPI shortcut icon and select Run as Administrator.
If your PC has Windows Firewall enabled, you'll see the following Windows Security Alert. Click Allow Access:
When a new window pops up showing that the computer's location hasn't been set, select your computer's location from the dropdown list (for example, Check-In Area, OP-1) or type in your own location name.
Note: If you're typing in your own location name, use only use letters and numbers. No special characters are allowed.
When the YAPI Dashboard pops up showing your office's operatories, your Dashboard is installed and you can start exploring!
If you don't have Acrobat Reader installed on this computer OR your practice uses Open Dental Clinics, Dentrix Views, or Eaglesoft Sites (this is not common), proceed to Step 3 and Step 4 below. Otherwise, you're all done!
Step 3: Installing Acrobat Reader
If you already have Acrobat Reader installed on this computer, you can skip this step!
YAPI requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to be installed on your computer as well. (This program is free.) If you don't already have it installed, follow the steps below:
In your internet browser (like Chrome, Firefox, or Edge), go to and click Download Acrobat Reader.
Follow the prompts to complete the installation of Acrobat Reader.
Step 4: Selecting Your Clinic Location (for Practices Using Clinics, View, or Sites Only)
Important! If your practice doesn't use Open Dental Clinics, Dentrix Views, or Eaglesoft Sites, you can skip this step and your installation is complete! (That's pretty likely; most practices don't use these.)
Finding Your Clinic Number
If you have a multi-location practice that uses Open Dental Clinics, Dentrix Views, or Eaglesoft Sites to share a server (this is not common), your installer will have assigned an arbitrary Clinic Number to your location during the installation process (like C1, C2, or C3) and should have given this number to you. If you don't have it or don't remember it, you can find the number within YAPI:
From the YAPI Dashboard, click Setup and Manage
and select Global Setup.
When prompted, enter your YAPI password and click OK.
In the Global Setup window that pops up, navigate to the Options tab. In the Clinics/Partitions section, click Edit:
Locate the name and/or address of your location in the list. Your location's Clinic Number is listed in the Partition column:
Selecting Your Clinic Location in Local Setup
Once you have your Clinic Number, you need to select it in the Local Setup on your workstation:
Open the YAPI Dashboard and click Setup and Manage
. Then select Local Setup.
In the Local Configuration window that pops up, find the Clinic/Partition section and select your location's Clinic number from the dropdown list.
Click Save.
Related Articles
- Customizing the Dashboard Layout
- Sharing Your Dashboard Layout (Video)
- Installing & Connecting YAPI on an iPad