Setting Up an Automated Review Request Email

If you're unable to use Yapi's InstaReview feature because you're outside the US, you can still request online reviews from your patients!  Just set up Yapi's Emails on Checkout feature with our pre-made template using the instructions below.

Table of Contents


Step 1: Download & Import Our Email Template

  1. Click the button below to download the email template you'll need:

    Download Review Template

  2. Then, import the downloaded template into Yapi using the steps in Importing Ready-to-Send Email Templates:



Step 2: Add the Links to Your Review Sites

The template has spots to enter the website addresses for your practice's review pages; all you need to do is grab the links and paste them in!

  1. In the Email Templates tab of Manage Documents & Templates, select the GT - Review Request template you imported and click Edit:


  2. Open an internet browser (like Chrome) and navigate to one of your practice's review sites - Google, Yelp, or Facebook - as if you're going to leave a review yourself. Then highlight and copy the website address from your address bar:


  3. Back in your email template, find the corresponding Action Button tab for your review site (Google, Yelp, or Facebook):


  4. Paste the website address you copied into the URL box:


  5. Repeat Steps 2 - 5 for each review site you want included in your email.

  6. For any review sites you don't want to include, click the corresponding Action Button tab and delete the text in the Text and URL boxes:


  7. Click Save, then OK .  Then close the template and the Manage Documents and Templates window.

Tip: Wanna see what the email looks like? Send yourself a test!


Step 3: Setting Your Email to Send at Checkout

Now you just need to set your template to send at checkout so when you dismiss a patient, they'll get your review request:


  1. From the YAPI Dashboard, click Setup and Manage Setup_and_Manage.png and select Global Setup.

  2. When prompted, enter your YAPI password and click OK.

  3. In the Global Setup window that opens, navigate to the Automation tab.

  4. Right-click in the Emails on Checkout section and select Add Document:


  5. In the Email Document window:


    • Select Email Template: Select the email template you created in Step 1 from the dropdown menu.

    • Subject: Leave this blank.  YAPI will automatically use the Subject line that's already in your email template.

    • Attach PDF Document: Leave this blank.

    • Send To: Select All if you want this setting to apply to all patients or select New Patients if you want this setting to apply only a patient's first visit.

    • How Often: Select how often you want your review request email to send at checkout:

      • Every Visit
      • Only Once
      • Once Every 3 Months - Sends to patients upon checkout only if 3 months has passed since their last visit.
      • Once Every 6 Months - Sends to patients upon checkout only if 6 months has passed since their last visit.
      • Once Every 12 Months - Sends to patients upon checkout only if 12 months has passed since their last visit.
        Warning!  DO NOT select the Never option when configuring this setting.  If you select this option, the automatic email you set up will never send.
  6. Optional: Select Send only if no mobile phone if you only want this email to send at checkout for patients that don't have a mobile phone number in Dentrix, Open Dental, or Eaglesoft. 

  7. Click Ok, then Save, then OK again.


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Our Downloadable Review Request Template

Having trouble downloading the template in the instructions above?  Click to download it here:

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