Disabling Your New Patient Welcome Email & Text

Once you start using forms in Yapi Leap, it's important to disable your automated New Patient Welcome in Yapi Classic.  Otherwise, new patient forms will continue to appear in your Dashboard's Document Queue and you'll have to file forms in two different places - and we want to keep your work streamlined!  To disable the New Patient Welcome messages in your desktop Dashboard, just follow the steps below.

Table of Contents


Disabling New Patient Welcomes in Yapi Classic

Disable NPW.gif

  1. From the Yapi Dashboard on your desktop, click Setup and Manage Setup_and_Manage.png and select Global Setup.

  2. When prompted, enter your Yapi password and click OK.

  3. In the Global Setup window that pops up, navigate to the Automation tab.

  4. Locate the purple New Patient Welcome section and deselect all the checkboxes in this section:


  5. Click Save, then OK.  


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