Customizing the Dashboard Layout

Thanks to the customizable nature of YAPI, you can change the layout of your Dashboard's rooms to best fit your workflow.  Once you've made your changes, you can also share your layout with the rest of your practice or with individual workstations, depending on your team's needs.  Follow the guide below to resize, move, or hide rooms in the Dashboard, save your new layout, and share your layout with others.

Table of Contents


Resizing Rooms in the Dashboard

To resize a room in the Dashboard, hover over the edge of the room until you see a double arrow  appear.  Then, click and drag to resize the room:



Moving Rooms in the Dashboard

To move a room in the Dashboard, click and hold the bar at the top of the room and drag the room where you want it to go:


Tip: To quickly line up the rooms in your Dashboard, right-click on a dark gray space outside of the rooms and click Dashboard, then select Arrange.


Hiding & Revealing Rooms in the Dashboard 

If there's a room showing in your Dashboard that you don't need or want (for example, an operatory that's never used), you can hide it from the Dashboard:


  1. Right click on the room you want to hide.

  2. Select Hide.

To reveal a room that you previously hid:


  1. Right-click on a dark gray space outside of the room areas.

  2. Select Show and then select the room you want to reveal.


Saving Your Modified Layout

Once you've made all your changes to the Dashboard layout, you need to save it:


  1. Right-click on a dark gray space outside of the room areas.

  2. Select Dashboard Layout, then Store Layout.


Sharing Your Modified Layout

If you want to share your layout with other workstations in your office (because your coworkers will see your layout and want it too!), you have two options:

Sharing Your Layout Across All Workstations

To update all workstations at your practice so they share your new, modified layout:


  1. Right-click on a dark gray space outside of the room areas.

  2. Select Dashboard Layout, then Share Layout.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Restart YAPI on each practice workstation.  Upon restart, when you see a message that there's a new layout available, click Yes.


Exporting Your Layout to Share Individually

If you want to share your layout with one or a few workstations, you'll need to export it so you can share it only with those select computers:


  1. Right-click on a dark gray space outside of the room areas.

  2. Select Dashboard Layout, then Export Layout.

  3. Name the exported file, choose where you want to save it and click Save.

    Tip: Not sure where to save your file?  We recommend an external flash drive but you could also save it to your desktop and email it to yourself or any coworker who needs it.  You just need a way to get the file from your computer to theirs.
  4. Take the file to the computer you want to share your layout with (or download it from your email if you sent it that way).

  5. On the new computer's YAPI Dashboard, right-click on a dark gray space outside of the room areas.  Then select Dashboard Layout and Import Layout.

  6. Locate and select the layout file you created, then click Open.


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