Changing Question Requirements Across All Forms

For certain questions on your iPad and Online forms, you can control whether answers are required  across all your forms.  These include:

  • Social Security Number 
  • Driver's License
  • Mobile Phone
  • Home Phone
  • Email Address
  • Referred By

Below, you'll find instructions for making answers to these questions required or optional.  If you need to set a specific question to required on an individual form, see Editing Existing Forms in the Form Builder and Questions & Formatting Elements in the Form Builder.


Setting Question Requirements


  1. From the YAPI Dashboard, click Setup & ManageSetup_and_Manage.png and select Global Setup.

  2. When prompted, enter your YAPI password.

  3. In the Global Setup window that pops up, click the Documents tab and locate the Document Rules section.


  4. For iPad Forms: In the light yellow section, select the boxes next to the items you want to be required for patients to complete on all your iPad Forms.  Deselect the boxes for any items you don't want to be required.


    • If you selected SSN is required or DL is required, also set the minimum patient age to require a patient's Social Security Number and/or Driver License number:


    • If you selected Email is Required, also select Allow 'none' for email if you want patients to be able to write "none" when they don't have an email address.

    • Open Dental & Eaglesoft users only: If you selected Is Required under Referred By, select From PMS to have patients choose who they were referred by from your list in Open Dental or Eaglesoft.  Leave this box unchecked if you want patients to write in who they were referred by.

      Note: The Referred By requirement is only available for iPad forms.
  5. For Online Forms: In the bright yellow section labeled Online document rules, select the boxes next to the items you want to be required for patients to complete on all your Online Forms.  Deselect the boxes for any items you don't want to be required.


  6. Click Save, then OK. When a warning pops telling you to restart all workstations, you can ignore it.  Restarting doesn't affect this feature.

NOTE: We recommend selecting Email and Mobile Phone.  These are needed to send patients their Appointment and Recall Reminders.


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