Using the Practice Online Portal (POP) in Offline Mode

If POP can't connect to your practice's server because your YAPI Service is off, your server is down, your server doesn't have an internet connection, or the Windows Time clock on your server isn't synced, POP automatically loads in Offline Mode when you log in.  Offline Mode allows you to access several POP features in case of a server issue or a power outage.   To learn more about what features are available an how to reconnect in Online Mode, check out the sections below.

Table of Contents


Features Available in Offline Mode

If POP is unable to load in Online Mode (the way you usually see POP), you'll see an Unable to Connect to Practice Server message.  If you want to try reconnecting to the server, click Reconnect, otherwise, click Close to use POP in Offline Mode:


Offline Mode displays with a gray header instead of a blue one and provides access to 3 sections in the left-hand menu: Appointments, User Management, and Get Help:


  • Appointments: In Offline Mode, you can view the last 7 days of appointments for your practice: 


  • User Management is fully functional with the ability to invite, view, and deactivate users.

  • Get Help is fully functional as well and can direct you to Self Help or to Request Support. You can use these options to help troubleshoot any issues you may be experiencing or access help for other features of YAPI that don't appear in POP.


    If you're unable to open the YAPI Dashboard at your practice, you can also use this section to provide system information to a Customer Support agent if you call us.



Reconnecting to POP in Online Mode

If you need to reconnect to POP in Online Mode and aren't able to by clicking Reconnect:

  1. Consult your IT professional to make sure your server is fully operational and has a strong internet connection.

  2. Restart YAPI Service on your server by following the instructions in Restarting Your YAPI Service.  Then, try logging out of POP and logging back in again.

  3. Check out our article Troubleshooting: The Practice Online Portal (POP) Loads Only in Offline Mode and have your IT follow the steps there. 

  4. If none of this fixes the issue, contact our Customer Support team so we can help you troubleshoot further.


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