Setting Phone Assistant 2.0 to Start Automatically at Login
Important! In 2021, YAPI stopped supporting Phone Assistant 2.0 due to user experience issues. If you currently use 2.0, you're welcome to continue using it as long as you like. If you'd prefer to roll back to the original Phone Assistant, though, contact our Customer Support team and we'll be glad to help.
To use Phone Assistant 2.0 each day, you can choose to open it manually by double-clicking the Phone Assistant icon on your desktop OR you can set your Windows Task Scheduler do this automatically when you log into your computer. To add Phone Assistant to the Task Scheduler, follow the steps below.
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Adding Phone Assistant to Windows Task Scheduler
Note: We strongly recommend enlisting the help of your IT professional to set this up.
To setup Task Scheduler for Phone Assistant 2.0:
Click the Start button on the bottom-left corner of the screen.
Start typing "Task Scheduler" and select it when it comes up in your search.
Within the Task Scheduler window, click Create Basic Task on the right-hand side:
In the Create Basic Task Wizard, type "Phone Assistant 2.0" into the Name field. Add a Description if you like (this is not required), then click Next.
Select When I log on to have Windows start Phone Assistant when a user logs in to the workstation. Then click Next to continue.
Select Start a program, then click Next.
Next to the Program/script field, enter "C:\Users\*******\AppData\Local\Roaming\YAPI_PHAS\app\PHAS.exe", replacing ******* with the name of the user that's currently signed into this workstation. Then click Next to continue.
Click Finish.
Optional: If there is another staff member at your practice who logs in separately to this workstation, log yourself out and have them log in. Then repeat this process, using their Windows User account name in Step 7.
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