YAPI Pay - Refunding Payments
There may be times when you need to issue a refund to a patient. The following article is intended to show you how to issue a refund using YAPI Pay. It's important to understand when you can cancel, void, or refund a payment.
- Cancel - The patient hasn't made a payment, so there's no transaction to void or payment to refund but you'd like to cancel the payment request and prevents the patient from making a payment.
- Refund - A payment has been submitted and posted and you want to give a partial or full refund.
- Void - Void is only available if the payment hasn't been posted yet. You can only void the entire transaction amount.
NOTE: The refund process cannot be undone once completed.
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Searching for Patient
Log in to your Practice Online Portal, then from the navigation pane click YAPI Pay.
Click Completed Payments.
Use the search field to search for the patient to refund.
Optional: If you need additional filtering options, click Filter ^ to narrow down your search further. Note: Your filters may vary slightly depending on the data on your list.
next to that patient to begin the refund process.
Partial Refund
Click the Adjustment Amount field and enter the amount to be deducted from the full amount.
Type in a comment related to the reason for the payment adjustment within the Internal Notes field. The internal note will be saved on the Practice Management Software as a patient note.
Click Adjust Payment in the bottom right corner to finish the adjustment process. Click OK to exit out of the Adjustment amount page.
Full Refund
Type in a comment related to the reason for the payment adjustment within the Internal Notes field.
- Enter the total amount paid within the Adjustment Amount field.
Click Adjust Payment in the bottom right corner to begin the refund process.
Click Confirm Refund within the Adjust Payment pop-up to process the full refund of the payment.
- You can now see a record of the refund on the Complete Payments screen.
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