Setting Patients to Receive Their Appointment Reminders in Spanish

While YAPI's automated appointment reminders default to send in English, a quick setting change in your practice management software can tell YAPI you want a patient to receive them in Spanish instead.  Read on to see how Spanish Reminders work and how you can set them up for your patients.

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How Spanish Reminders Work

When you set your patient to receive Spanish reminders in your practice management software, YAPI sees this and uses the Spanish version of our reminder email and text templates instead.  YAPI's Spanish Reminder templates come loaded at installation and there are no settings you have to change within YAPI to send Spanish reminders.  

All you need to do is mark your patient as shown in Setting Spanish Reminders for a Patient below and they'll get their appointment reminders in the language they know best!


Setting Spanish Reminders for a Patient

Dentrix Users

  1. In Dentrix, select the patient and open their Family File Family_File.png.

  2. Double-click the Patient Notes section and in the Patient Note pop-up, enter the code [SPA] or [ES]


  3. Click OK.


Open Dental Users

  1. In Open Dental, select the patient and click their Family Module Screen_Shot_2021-09-23_at_11.47.14_AM.png.

  2. Double-click anywhere in the Patient Information section.

  3. In the Edit Patient Information pop-up, find the Language dropdown and select Spanish.


  4. Click OK.


Eaglesoft Users

  1. In Eaglesoft, select the patient and click Edit Patient. Edit_Patient.png

  2. Click Memo.


  3. In the Patient Memo pop-up, enter the code [SPA] or [ES]


  4. Close the Patient Memo window and click Save


Editing Spanish Email & Text Templates

You can edit YAPI's Spanish email and text templates just as you would your English email and text templates, with a couple of caviats:

  • Don't edit template names.  YAPI's default Spanish templates match directly to the names of the existing English reminders and have an @Spa or @Es tag attached.  Without the default name and tag, YAPI can't send the correct Spanish reminders.


  • The [SPA] and [ES] codes you use within your practice management software determine which template YAPI uses, so if you consistently use [SPA], YAPI always uses the @Spa template.  That way, if you always use the same code and want to make edits to the template, just pick the one that matches; you don't have to change both.



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Download Spanish Templates

Spanish templates come pre-installed with YAPI but if you need to re-install them or need pediatric versions of our templates, you can download them by clicking below.  For more about importing templates into YAPI, check out our article on Importing Ready-to-Send Email Templates.

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