Setting Early Arrival Appointment Reminders for a Specific Procedure
YAPI's Early Arrival Reminder feature can tell a patients to come early for their appointment without you having to move them in your appointment book. Read on to see how Early Arrival Reminders work and how you can set them to always send when a specific procedure is scheduled.
If you need to set an early arrival reminder for a specific patient, see Setting Early Arrival Appointment Reminders for Individual Patients instead.
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How Early Arrival Reminders Work
Early Arrival Reminders adjust the time shown in YAPI's automated Appointment Reminders by telling your patient their appointment is earlier than it is on your schedule. This is especially helpful when patients need to come early to fill out consent forms or discuss a particular treatment.
In YAPI's Appointment Reminder settings, you can set early arrival reminders to send for selected procedures by entering its dental procedure code.
Setting Early Arrival Reminders for a Procedure
From the YAPI Dashboard, click Setup & Manage
and select Global Setup.
When prompted, enter your YAPI password.
In the Global Setup window that pops up, click the Reminders tab.
In the pink More Options section, click Edit.
Locate the blue Ask to Arrive Early section. In the Code column, enter the dental code for the procedure that you need patients to arrive early for. In the Minutes column, enter the number of minutes you need patients to arrive early.
Click OK, then Save.
Note: This option only works for the automated system. When sending Appointment Reminders Manually via the Patient Finder, YAPI doesn't apply this early arrival request.