Deleting Unused Forms from YAPI
Using Forms in Yapi Leap (our new web app)? 🤔 In that case, looks like you're in the wrong place. Instead, go to the corresponding topic in our
Leap Help Center:
If you have forms in YAPI that your team will never use, you can easily remove them. Follow the instructions below to delete unused forms from YAPI.
Note: These instructions permanently remove a form from YAPI. If you want to keep unused forms but prevent them from showing on the iPad, see Enabling & Disabling Individual iPad Forms instead.
Deleting a Form
From the YAPI Dashboard, click Setup & Manage  and select Manage Documents and Templates.
When prompted, enter your YAPI password and click OK.
In the Manage Documents and Templates window that pops up, click the iPad Forms tab.
Locate your form on the list and click to select it.
Click the Remove button.
When a window pops up asking if you want to remove the form, click Yes.
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