Viewing a Patient's Email Log


Emailing patients using Yapi Leap (our new web app)? 🤔 In that case, looks like you're in the wrong place. Instead, go to the corresponding topic in our Leap Help Center to view a patient's email log from their Patient Profile:

Dentrix Users | Open Dental Users | Eaglesoft Users

YAPI keeps a record of all outgoing emails sent to patients via automated Appointment and Recall Reminders, New Patient Welcome automation, and Mail Blasts.  You can view a patient's email log by following the instructions below.

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Viewing the Patient's Email Log


  1. From the YAPI Dashboard, click Patients Patients.png, then select Patient Finder.

  2. Type the patient's last name into the Patient Finder window that pops up.  

  3. Click Search.

  4. Click the patient's name in the list.  From the drop-down, select Communication, then Email, then Log.


    Click the blue link in the Body column to view the contents of an individual email:



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