Creating and Using a Custom Email Template in POP

YAPI is flexible so you can create custom email templates and use YAPI POP's email campaign feature to reach out your patients. This article shows you how to create a custom email template, then create an email campaign to send the email to your patients. You must have a login to access YAPI POP in order to complete these steps.

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Table of Contents

Add Practice Logo

Optional: Skip this step if your practice logo has already been uploaded to POP. If you're unsure if it's already been loaded, use the steps below to navigate to Practice Images and check.

  1. Log in to your Practice Online Portal, then select Practice Images from the menu on the left.
  2. Scroll to the Email Logo section and select Upload Logo.
  3. Navigate to where the image is on your computer and select the image file to upload.
  4. Adjust the image so it displays nicely.
  5. Select Upload, then Accept at the warning message. You can now see the logo has been uploaded.

Create Email Template

  1. Select Templates, then Email Templates from the menu on the left.
  2. Select Create Template to create a custom email template.
  3. Enter basic template information:
    • Name: Enter a name for the template. Use a name that's easy for you to recall. Patients won't see this name.
    • Category: Select the category where you want this template to be stored.
    • Subject: Enter a subject for this email. This is the subject line a patient sees in their email inbox. Make it short and catchy to draw the reader's attention.
    • Language: This is set to English by default.

  4. Practice Logo: Click the Edit icon mceclip5.png to add your practice logo.
    • Select Default Practice Logo, then OKAY.
  5. Hosted Image: Click the Edit icon mceclip5.png to add an image to the email template. The image you add must be a hosted image. (For example, use to upload your image and created a hosted image URL.  See our video above for step by step instructions.)
    • Select By Image URL.
    • Enter the link to your hosted image.
    • Select OKAY.
  6. Email body: Scroll down to the text box to enter whatever content you'd like to use for the body of the email.
  7. Use the formatter bar to format the content you entered.
  8. Button: Use the Edit icon mceclip5.png to add a call to action button to the email.
  9. Select Save once you're done editing. You can now see the new template in your list of email templates.

Create Email Campaign

  1. Select Email Campaigns from the menu on the left.
  2. Select the blue Create Campaign button to create a new email campaign.
  3. At the Create a Campaign screen, enter your campaign details:
    • Campaign Name: Enter a name for the campaign that you and your team will remember. Patients won't see this name.
    • Template: Use the dropdown menu to select the email template you created.
    • Preview: Optional: Use the preview button to see an example of the email you'll be sending. Within the preview, you'll see placeholder merge tags that automatically populate the patient's name and your practice information when the email is sent.
    • Campaign Recipients: Decide who will receive the email (only head of household, active patients, etc.)
  4. Optional: Select the Preview button to see what the template you've built looks like so far.
  5. Scroll down and select Save to save the campaign.

Run the Campaign

  1. At the Email Campaigns screen, select the Run mceclip3.png icon.
  2. Optional: Select Preview to double check the email.
  3. Select Send Now, then Run.
  4. At the Campaign is on Its Way message, select OK.

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