Setting Up Spanish Forms


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Dentrix Users | Open Dental Users | Eaglesoft Users

Do you have Spanish-speaking patients?  We have a full library of Spanish forms for you to use! Follow the instructions below to set up YAPI for use with Spanish forms.

Table of Contents

Note to Eaglesoft Users: Just like with English Medical History forms, you must create your own Spanish Medical History form within Eaglesoft and then import it into YAPI.  


Step 1: Importing the Forms into YAPI

  1. Download the two form files you need based on the practice management software your practice uses (click each to download):

    Dentrix G7+ Users

    Dentrix G7 New Patient Spanish

    Spanish Consent

    Dentrix G5 & G6 Users

    Dentrix G5G6 New Patient Spanish

    Spanish Consent

    Open Dental Users

    Open Dental New Patient Spanish

    Spanish Consent

    Eaglesoft Users

    Eaglesoft New Patient Spanish

    Spanish Consent

  2. Import the .zip files into YAPI:


    1. From the YAPI Dashboard, click Setup & Manage Setup_and_Manage.png and select Manage Documents and Templates.

    2. When prompted, enter your YAPI password.

    3. In the Manage Documents and Templates window, click the iPad Forms tab.

    4. Click Import.  In the window that pops up, locate the Spanish Consent Forms .zip file you downloaded.  Select the file and click Open.  In the Ready to Add pop-up window, click Yes.

    5. Click Import.  In the window that pops up, locate the New Patient Forms .zip file you downloaded.  Select the file and click Open.   In the Ready to Add pop-up window, click Yes.

  3. Select each new form, click Categorize to choose a category for it, then double-click the form and click Yes to enable it.  If you're unfamiliar with enabling forms, see Enabling & Disabling Individual iPad Forms.


  4. Optional: Create a set of Spanish iPad packages that correspond to your existing forms packages. For more on this, see Adding & Removing Forms in iPad Packages.


Step 2: Importing the Translation File

  1. Download the Spanish Translation File to your computer.  You can click to download here or at the bottom of this page: Spanish Translation File (SPA.xml)

  2. Import this file into YAPI:


    1. From the YAPI Dashboard, click Tools Tools.png.  Select Administrative Tools, then Utilities, then Translation.  

    2. When prompted, enter your YAPI password.

    3. In the Translation window that pops up, select Spanish: Other from options on the left-hand side. Then, click Import.  

    4. Choose the SPA.xml file you downloaded. This loads basic Spanish word translations that appear on YAPI forms like Name, Date, and Address. 

    5. Click Save


Step 3: Translating Your Medical Conditions & Allergies Lists

Eaglesoft users, skip this step.  Open Dental & Dentrix users, continue reading.

Since each practice's Medical Conditions and Allergies lists are different, YAPI can't provide a translation file for this step like it can for basic words like Name and Address.  Follow the instructions below to import your Medical Conditions and Allergies lists in English and provide translations in Spanish.

Note: This step may require a Spanish speaker.  If you don't speak Spanish, you can use our Recommended List of Medical Conditions & Allergies in Spanish to get started.


  1. From the YAPI Dashboard, click Tools Tools.png.  Select Administrative Tools, then Utilities, then Translation.  

  2. When prompted, enter your YAPI Password.
  3. In the Translation window that pops up, select Spanish: Medical Terms from the options on the left-hand side. Then, click Load MC.

  4. In the Spanish column, double-click the empty space next to each condition and enter its Spanish translation.

  5. Dentrix users, skip this step.  Open Dental users, once you're finished translating your medical conditions, add your list of allergies and their Spanish translations:

    1. In Open Dental, click Lists in the toolbar and select Allergies to view your Allergies list.

    2. Back in YAPI, scroll to the bottom of Medical Conditions list.  Double-click the empty space in the English column to add the first allergy from your list.  Then, double-click the empty space next to the allergy to add its Spanish translation.  Repeat this for each allergy on your Allergies list from Open Dental.


  6. Click Save

  7. From the YAPI Dashboard, click Tools Tools.png.  Then select Administrative Tools, then Lists, then Medical Conditions.

  8. Click Save.  When asked if you want to update your online list, click Yes, then Yes again.  

  9. Once the window closes, your Spanish forms setup is complete!


Making Spanish Forms Available Online

Once you've completed your Spanish forms setup and imported your Spanish forms, you can use them immediately on the iPad.  To create online copies, schedule an appointment with a member of our Customer Support team.  The process takes about 15-20 minutes depending on how many Spanish forms you're using, so scheduling a dedicated time ensures that we'll have a representative available to assist you.

Creating Custom Spanish Forms

If you need custom Spanish forms created, you have two options - creating them yourself in the Form Builder or requesting they be made by our Documents Team:

Note: We can't accept images or scans.  We also cannot provide translations so your form must be submitted in Spanish.


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Downloadable Translation Files & Spanish Forms

Click to download the files you need below...

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