January 17, 2022 Release Notes


Table of Contents

Practice Online Portal (POP)

New Existing Patient Scheduling For Smart Scheduling

Once enabled and configured, existing patients can now use Smart Scheduling to make an appointment for other types of service, not just for recall appointments. Refer to Smart Scheduling - Existing Patient Walkthrough to see an example of the screens a patient will see or click here to watch a video..

As part of this enhancement, the following POP screens have been updated.

  • A new toggle has been added to the General Settings window.
  • The treatment window in POP has been updated to include an Existing Patient as a patient type and you can now also enable the 'Is covered by insurance' option to have Smart Scheduling check whether the you have insurance information on file for the existing patient. Note: The Is covered by insurance field only applies to existing patients, not recall patients.


  • The POP activity window captures the reason the patient is coming in and indicates they are an existing patient. 

YAPI Pay Enhancements

The YAPI Pay Latest Activity help window on the Completed Payments list has been updated to include the new statuses below.

The View Attachment link on the patient's Payment Requested screen has been updated to a button so it's more prominent.


New Generic Email Template for Office Closures

A new master email template has been added to POP and available for use. You can access this new template by logging into POP and selecting Templates-->Email Templates-->Holidays. Just a reminder, as with all master templates, you'll need to make a copy of the template if you would like to customize the template before using it. Refer to Send a Holiday Hours Email to Patients Using POP to learn more.


Updates That Impact YAPI Dashboard and POP

We've updated the keywords below for all text messages sent from YAPI (both POP and the Dashboard).

  • Opt-Out Keywords: cancel, end, quit, stop, stopall, unsubscribe
  • Opt-In Keywords: start, unstop, yes
  • Help Keywords: help, info

Bug Fixes

General (Applies to Any Practice Management Software)

  • POP: 
    • Some YAPI Pay users reported that when they click the Latest Activity help (?) icon from the Incomplete or Complete Payments List, when the help window displays it also automatically sorted the list of incomplete payments. This issue has been fixed. Now when you click the Latest Activity icon, the help window displays and the list of incomplete payments doesn't automatically sort.
    • Some Smart Scheduling users have reported recall appointments for minors being created with an incorrect procedure code assigned to the appointment even though the recall rule includes a child age limit. This issue has been fixed. Smart Scheduling recall rules now properly honors child age settings.
    • Some users reported not being able to see appointment details when using POP on a tablet or mobile device. This issue has been fixed; you can now access appointment details via a tablet or mobile device, like you normally would.
    • Some users have reported an issue where Google Maps displays a blank white screen instead of a map when using Smart Scheduling for practices with multiple locations. This issue has been fixed. You can now see a map when using Smart Scheduling.
    • When viewing Smart Scheduling activity on a tablet or mobile device, some users have reported not being able to select a specific row/patient. This issue has been fixed.

Open Dental Bugs Resolved

  • POP
    • Some clients reported encountering issues when attempting to create a new patient appointment using Smart Scheduling. The appointment was created in Open Dental but no appointment details were included and attempting to see appointment details in Open Dental resulted in an error. This was due to a database issue that occurred in Open Dental; the issue has been fixed.
    • An issue where Smart Scheduling incorrectly shows a provider available all day, even though they are configured to only be available during certain hours has been fixed. This occurred when providers had varying availability across two or more operatories. Provider availability in Smart Scheduling now matches Open Dental.

Related Links

Internal Only: POP version - 1.14.4, YService version - 1.13.14, YAPI Open Dental Plugin version - 1.14.0

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