Adding Notes to a Completed Form Using Annotations

If you ever need to add notes to a patient's completed form, you can add Annotations that show beside the PDF when it's filed into your practice management software.  If added on an iPad, they also become part of the form too!  Below, you'll learn how to add Annotations to a form from your iPad or your desktop.

Note: Annotations do not allow you to write on or edit any information already on the form.  If you want to write or draw on the form itself, use the Draw feature instead.

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How Annotations Work

Simply put, Annotations are comments added to a PDF.  Because they are a feature of Adobe Acrobat, Annotations were designed to display beside a PDF document when viewing it with Adobe.  Adobe Acrobat is a common viewer used in the Dentrix Document Center, Open Dental Images, and Eaglesoft SmartDocs, so you likely use it within you practice management software already.


When adding an Annotation to a form in YAPI, you have two options:

  • Adding it from an iPad
  • Adding it in the Document Viewer on your desktop

We strongly recommend adding Annotations from your iPad. This allows YAPI to add the Annotation with a time and date stamp as an additional page to the PDF, which then becomes part of the document.  Annotations added on the desktop display only within Adobe Acrobat:

Annotation_iPad_4.png      Annotation_Desktop_4.png


Adding an Annotation on an iPad

To add an Annotation to your patient's completed form:


  1. Locate your patient on the Dashboard in your YAPI iPad app.

  2. Swipe across the patient (left to right OR right to left) to open their Forms and Documents page.

  3. In the patient's Current Documents, tap on the name of the form you want to annotate.

  4. When the form opens, tap the orange More tab on the left-hand side and select Note.  Add your notes and tap Save.

  5. Tap the More tab again and select Save to save your changes and close the form.


Adding an Annotation from Your Desktop

Note: Annotations added from your desktop will display only when viewing the PDF of the form with Adobe Acrobat.  They will not become part of the printable document as they would if added on an iPad.

To add an Annotation to your patient's completed form:


  1. Locate your patient on the YAPI Dashboard on your desktop workstation.

  2. Right-click on the patient's Document Folder documentalert.png and select Show Documents.

  3. When the Document Viewer window opens, click the Annotate icon Screen_Shot_2022-01-25_at_8.51.38_AM.png

  4. In the Add Annotation window that pops up, select an Author from the pulldown and type your notes in the Text box.  Then click Ok.  

  5. When closing the Document Viewer or filing the form, you'll see a warning pop-up asking to save changes.  Click Yes.


Viewing Annotations

Displaying Annotations on an iPad

If you want to view an Annotation you've made on the iPad or need your patient to sign off on it:


  1. Locate your patient on the Dashboard in your YAPI iPad app.

  2. Swipe across the patient (left to right OR right to left) to open their Forms and Documents page.

  3. In the patient's Current Documents, tap on the name of the form you annotated.

  4. Optional: Tap and hold on the page to add a signature box if the patient needs to sign off on the notes you added.


Displaying Annotations on a Filed Form

If you have Adobe Acrobat set as your PDF viewer within the Dentrix Document Center, Open Dental Images, or Eaglesoft SmartDocs, Annotations automatically display in a side column when you open the form there.

  • Annotations added on an iPad show as "Annotation" in the side column and on a page that YAPI has appended to the end of the PDF.


  • Annotations added through the Document Viewer on your desktop show in the side column only and are listed by the author you selected.



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