Personalizing InstaReview Text Templates with Patient & Provider Names

InstaReview settings come pre-loaded with text templates asking patients to write a review for your practice and you can customize these templates to give them a more personal touch.  Below, you'll find instructions for adding simple codes to your InstaReview text templates so the request include the patient's name, provider's name, or both.

Note: If you just need to make simple edits to your InstaReview texts, see Editing InstaReview Text Templates.

Table of Contents


Personalizing Templates with the Patient's Name

To automatically include a patient names in all InstaReview requests:


  1. From the YAPI Dashboard, click the Online icon. Online.png

  2. Select InstaReview, then Setup.

  3. Locate the grey section with boxes labelled Message text and add the code %x in each template where you want the patient's name to go:


  4. Click Save and close the window.


Personalizing the Appointment-Specific Template with the Provider's Name 

You can also include the name of the provider within an InstaReview request that is sent:

  • Automatically when a patient visits your office
  • Manually from a room in the Dashboard during a patient visit


Because these InstaReview requests are linked to a specific appointment, YAPI can pull the name of the specific provider for that appointment:


To include the appointment providers' names in these InstaReview requests:


  1. From the YAPI Dashboard, click Setup & Manage Setup_and_Manage.png  and select Global Setup.

  2. When prompted, enter your YAPI password.

  3. Click the Providers tab.

  4. Next to each provider, double-click the space in the Preferred Name column and type in the name as you'd like it to appear in InstaReview requests.


  5. At the bottom of the window, add a Default Preferred Name (usually your primary provider at the practice). Then click Save and OK.


    Note: If prompted to restart your workstation, click OK and ignore this.  You don't need to restart your workstations.
  6. Close the Global Setup window, then click the Online icon Online.png in the Dashboard toolbar.

  7. Select InstaReview, then Setup.

  8. Locate the Message text when appointment info exists template and enter the code %a where you want the provider's name to appear:


  9. Click Save, then close the window.

Note: YAPI uses the name of the provider assigned to the patient at the time the request sends.  If you want to change the patient's provider before checking them in, do so within your practice management software.  To change the provider in YAPI before a patient is dismissed, see Changing The Provider For a Patient Within YAPI.


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