Viewing Patient Feedback from InstaReview

With InstaReview, patients can write an online review of your practice by tapping the links in their InstaReview request.  Sometimes, though, they may have constructive feedback for your practice that they can leave privately by tapping the red Let Us Know button instead.  Below, you'll learn how to view this feedback within the YAPI Dashboard.

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Viewing Patient Feedback

To regularly check constructive feedback from your patients:


  1. From the YAPI Dashboard, click the Online icon. Online.png
  2. Select InstaReview, then Feedback.

When a patient leaves negative feedback, we strongly recommend reaching out to them by phone to address their concerns.  You can then make a notes about your conversation within the Feedback window:


  1. Double-click in on the patient's feedback in the Feedback column.
  2. When the Edit Note window pops up, enter your notes in the white box and click Update.


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