Creating an Online Link for the Teledentistry Consent Form

While all other completed online forms return to the Document Queue on your YAPI Dashboard, YAPI's Consent for Teledentistry form is designed to come to your email so you can obtain patient consent  take emergency teledentistry appointments without having to go into the office.  To use this form and have YAPI send completed forms straight to your practice's email, you must create a link to send to your patients by following the instructions below.

Note: This form was created specifically to accommodate practices who need to close their doors temporarily for public health and safety (in the case, the COVID-19 pandemic).  When using this form, always make sure to follow local, state, and federal guidelines regarding telehealth and patient consent.

Table of Contents


Step 1: Finding Your Practice's GUID Number

To create the link to your teledentistry consent form, you need your practice's GUID.  Pronounced "GOO-id," this is a number specific to your practice that ties the form to you and helps YAPI send completed teledentistry forms to your practice email.  You can find your practice's GUID in your YAPI Dashboard or in your Practice Online Portal (POP):

Finding Your GUID in the YAPI Dashboard

  1. From the YAPI Dashboard, click Help Support.png and select About.

  2. In the About YAPI window that opens, locate your Practice GUID in brackets { } on the seventh line down:



Finding Your GUID in the Practice Online Portal

  1. Log into your Practice Online Portal (POP).

  2. Click Get Help in the menu on the left-hand side.

  3. Once the Get Help page loads, scroll down to the System Information section and locate your GUID in brackets { }, just below your practice's name:



Step 2: Creating the Form Link with Your GUID

To create your Consent for Teledentistry form link, take the GUID you found in Step 1 above and add it to the end of this web address:

For example, if your GUID was 6FFFFFB-7777-4222-BDDD-79999888877, your Teledentistry Consent Form link would be


You can now add your link to your practice website or send it to your patients via email or text.  Whenever a patient completes the form, the completed copy will automatically be sent to your practice's General Inquiry email address.  


Testing Your Form Link

To test your form and make sure your link works properly, paste the link you created in Step 2 above into any web browser.  You should see a teledentistry form that looks like the image below, with your practice's name and phone number at the top:



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