Creating Interest Lists for Targeted Email Blasts

To target specific groups of patients for email blasts, you can create Interest Lists in YAPI and add patients based on their interests and needs.  That way, you can tailored emails and marketing campaigns only to patients that they're most relevant to.  Follow the directions below to create an Interest List and add additional patients to it as needed.

Important! For a patient to be added to an Interest List, they must be an active patient in Dentrix, Open Dental, or Eaglesoft.  

Table of Contents


Creating an Interest List

Tip: Which option is best for you?  If you're unsure, check out our Introduction to Interest Lists.

Creating an Interest List from an Existing List of Patients

Step 1: Creating Your List File to Import




  1. Follow the How to Set Up Patient Reports by Filters instructions on the Dentrix Help Center and in the last step, select Open in Excel

  2. Remove all columns from the Excel Spreadsheet except for First (name), Last (name), and PatID (patient ID). 

  3. Then, save the file as a .csv file and close Excel. 

    If opened in Notepad, your final file should look like this:



  1. Follow the Patients Report instructions on the Open Dental website to create a report that lists patients' first name, last name, and birthdate.

  2. In the report, click Export and save the report as a .txt file.  

    If opened in Notepad, your final file should look like this:



  1. Follow the Filter the Patient Master Report instructions on the Eaglesoft Help Center to create your list of patients. 

  2. Right-click on the report and select Save Data As.  Then save the report as an .xls (Excel) document

  3. Open your report in Excel and remove all columns from the Excel Spreadsheet except for last_name, first_name, and birth_date

  4. Re-save the file as a .csv file and close Excel. 

    If opened in Notepad, your final file should look like this:


Tip: Not able to export a list from Dentrix, Open Dental, or Eaglesoft?  You can create your own list in Notepad and save it as a .txt file.  List the words "First," "Last," and "Birthdate" or "ID" on the first line separated by commas.  Then list each patient's first name, last name, and birthday or patient ID (whichever you listed) on its own line, separated by commas, like this:



Step 2: Importing Your List into YAPI


To import your list file into YAPI and create and Interest List from it:

  1. From the YAPI Dashboard, click Setup & Manage Setup_and_Manage.png and select Manage Interest Lists.

  2. Click New.

  3. Enter a name for your Interest List, and select the Import from File checkbox.  Then click New List:


  4. Click Browse and select the .txt, .tsv, or .csv file you created in Step 1 above.

  5. In the Separator dropdown menu,

    • Dentrix & Eaglesoft: select Comma.
    • Open Dental Users: select Tab.
    • If you created your own .txt file in Notepad: select Tab.


  6. Click Load.

  7. Locate the Define Fields section. 

    • First Name: Select the option that corresponds with the patient's first name (like First, FName, or first_name).

    • Last Name: Select the option that corresponds with the patient's last name (like Last, LName, or last_name).

    • Birthdate (for Open Dental & Eaglesoft Users): Select the option that corresponds with the patient's birthdate (like birthdate or birth_date).

    • Id (for Dentrix Users): Select the option that corresponds with the patient's ID Number (like PatID).


      Note: Always leave the Ignore Duplicates and Ignore Missing checkboxes selected.  Unchecking either box can result in an error and your list won't import.  These remove duplicate instances of patients and patients that aren't listed in Dentrix, Open Dental, or Eaglesoft.  

  8. In the Provider dropdown, select the provider associated with this Interest List or the main provider at your practice.

  9. In the Details box, enter a description of your Interest List.

  10. Click Process.


Creating an Interest List to Add Patients to Later

To create an Interest List that you can add individual patients to as you go:

  1. From the YAPI Dashboard, click Setup & Manage Setup_and_Manage.png and select Manage Interest Lists.

  2. Click New List.

  3. Enter a name for your Interest List, then click New List:



Adding Patients to an Existing Interest List

Once you've created an Interest List, you can add patients to it individually as needed.  

Adding a Patient That's In Your Dashboard

If your patient is currently in the YAPI Dashboard and you want to add them to an Interest List:


  1. In the YAPI Dashboard, right-click on the patient's avatar (the image of a person), select their name, and select Add to Interest List.

  2. In the Interest Lists section, click on the Interest List you want to add the patient to.

  3. Enter any notes about why the patient is interested in the Comment section.  If you don't have a note to enter, simply enter a period (.).

  4. In the Staff Member dropdown menu, select your own name.  If you don't see your name, select the patient's provider or the main provider at your practice.

  5. Click OK.

Adding a Patient That's Not in the Office

If your patient isn't currently in the office and you want to add them to an Interest List:


  1. From the YAPI Dashboard, click Patients Patients.png and select Patient Finder.

  2. In the Interest Lists section, click on the Interest List you want to add the patient to.

  3. Enter any notes about why the patient is interested in the Comment section.  If you don't have a note to enter, simply enter a period (.).

  4. In the Staff Member dropdown menu, select your own name.  If you don't see your name, select the patient's provider or the main provider at your practice.

  5. Click OK.


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