Dashboard Article Directory
YAPI's Dashboard gives you a birds-eye view of your office and is the main desktop hub for all tasks in YAPI. This page provides links to all of the articles related to the YAPI Dashboard.
Article Directory
Dashboard Features
- Introduction to the Practice Dashboard
- Introduction to the Patient Finder
- Introduction to Patient Alerts
- Introduction to the Dashboard Routing Slip
- Introduction to Patient Timers in the Dashboard
- Introduction to the Daily Huddle
- Introduction to the Daily Activity Report
- Introduction to the Quick KPI Report
- Introduction to the Getting It Done Task Manager
- Introduction to In-Office Messaging
- Dashboard Shortcuts
- Santa Claus in the YAPI Dashboard
Setup & Configuration
- Customizing the Dashboard Layout
- Adding, Deleting, & Renaming Rooms in the Dashboard
- Customizing the Routing Slip
- Enabling & Disabling the Routing Slip
- Configuring Available Patient Alerts in Global Setup
- Customizing Available Operatory Alerts
- Changing Your Dashboard Avatars
- Changing a Workstation's Name in YAPI
- Changing a Provider's Assigned Color in the Dashboard
- Changing Timeout Settings for the Check-In and Check-Out Areas
- Setting Patients as Automatically "Ready" Upon Check-In
- Disabling Automatic "Clean Up Needed" Alerts for Operatories
- Changing the Toolstrip Icons Available at the Bottom of Dashboard Rooms
- Setting YAPI to Start and Shut Down Automatically
- Creating a Streamlined Dashboard
- Setting Your Care Call List to Send Daily to Your Email
- Setting Your Daily Activity Report to Send to Your Email
- Changing Daily Huddle Report Settings
- Changing Daily Activity Report Settings
- Changing Your YAPI Dashboard Password
Everyday Tasks
- Checking Patients In to the YAPI Dashboard
- Marking a Patient as Ready for Treatment in the YAPI Dashboard
- Moving a Patient to an Operatory in the YAPI Dashboard
- Checking a Patient Out in the YAPI Dashboard
- Dismissing a Patient from the Dashboard
- Adding a Patient Alert to a Patient
- Changing The Provider For a Patient Within YAPI
- Setting an Operatory to Out of Service
- Using Operatory Alerts to Get Help from Your Team
- Using YAPI's ASAP List to Fill Last Minute Openings
- Saving Patient Routing Slip Notes Outside of YAPI
- Viewing Past Routing Slip Notes in the Daily Activity Report
- Viewing Your Day's Schedule in the iPad App
- Using Your Care Call List to Follow Up with Patients
- Adding Patients to Your Care Call List
- Adding a To-Do to Getting It Done
- Marking a To-Do Task as Complete in Getting It Done
- Checking a Patient Into YAPI from an iPad
- Marking a Patient as Ready for Treatment from an iPad
- Moving a Patient to an Operatory from an iPad
- Checking a Patient Out on an iPad
- Dismissing a Patient from YAPI on an iPad
- Viewing Your Day's Schedule from an iPad
- Troubleshooting: The YAPI Dashboard Won't Open
- Troubleshooting: Patients Aren't Checking Into the Dashboard
- Troubleshooting: Patients at an Open Dental Clinic Location Aren't Checking In
- Troubleshooting: Red Bar Across the Top of the Dashboard
- Troubleshooting: Red Bar Across the Bottom of the Dashboard
- Troubleshooting: Ejecting Patients Stuck in the Dashboard