Troubleshooting: Messages to Dashboard Rooms Don't Appear

If your team is sending in-office messages to a specific room in the Dashboard (like the Check-In Area, Check-Out Area or an operatory) but those messages aren't appearing on that workstation, you can troubleshoot the issue with the steps below.

Table of Contents


Step 1: Checking the Workstation's Message Filtering

If you're not receiving messages on a workstation, a common issue is that the setup on that workstation has been configured to filter some messages out.  To check this and reset it if necessary:

  1. From the YAPI Dashboard, click Setup and Manage Setup_and_Manage.png and select Local Setup.

  2. In the Local Configuration window that pops up, locate the blue Messaging section.

  3. Check the Filter dropdown and make sure the selected option reflects what messages this workstation should be receiving:


    Tip: (If you're unsure of what each setting means, refer to our article Setting Which Types of Messages Show on Your Workstation.)

    If the Filter dropdown is set to Do Not Disturb, choose another setting. (Do Not Disturb blocks all messages.)

  4. Click Save.

  5. Try sending a message from another workstation to the workstation with the issue


Step 2: Setting the Correct Name for a Workstation

If the workstation's message filtering settings are correct, it's likely that the name of the workstation doesn't match the name of the room it's in.  To fix this:

  1. On the workstation that isn't receiving messages, check the workstation name at the top of the Dashboard:


  2. On the Dashboard, locate the name of the room that corresponds to the room the workstation is physically is in:


  3. Click Setup & Manage Setup_and_Manage.png in the toolbar and select Local Setup.

  4. In the Local Configuration window that pops up, locate the Area Name and select or type in the workstation name exactly as it appears on the room in the Dashboard (including capitalization, spacing, and punctuation):


  5. Click Save, then close and reopen the YAPI Dashboard.

  6. Try sending a message from another workstation to the workstation with the issue


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