Troubleshooting: Patients Aren't Checking Into the Dashboard
If patients aren't checking in to the YAPI Dashboard from your practice management software (Dentrix, Open Dental, or Eaglesoft) follow the steps below to troubleshoot.
Tip: If multiple patients aren't checking in, just use one as a test while troubleshooting.
Table of Contents
- Step 1: Checking YAPI Settings
- Step 2: Checking Available Appointment Statuses
- Step 3: Checking Patient Status
- Related Articles
Step 1: Checking YAPI Settings
If your Watch Arrival Status setting has been accidentally disabled in YAPI's Global Setup, patients won't check into the Dashboard properly. To check this setting:
From the YAPI Dashboard, click Setup and Manage
and select Global Setup.
When prompted, enter your YAPI password and click OK.
Click the Options tab and locate the Check-In section:
Navigate to the Watch arrival status option:
If the Watch Arrival Status checkbox IS selected: This is not what's causing the check-in issue. Close the Global Setup window and proceed directly to Step 2: Checking Available Appointment Status for further troubleshooting.
If the Watch Arrival Status checkbox IS NOT selected: Select the checkbox, then click Save and Ok.
Close the Global Setup window and try checking in your next patient.
If the next patient DOES appear in the Dashboard: Great! You've fixed the issue and can stop here.
If the next patient DOES NOT appear in the Dashboard: Proceed to Step 2: Checking Available Appointment Statuses below.
Step 2: Checking Arrival Status
YAPI uses the arrival status of an appointment in Dentrix, Open Dental, and Eaglesoft to automatically check patients into the Dashboard. If your team isn't using the status that YAPI recognizes, however, then patients won't check into YAPI.
To check that you're using the appointment status that YAPI recognizes:
In Dentrix, open the patient's appointment:
In the Status section:
If the patient is set to HERE: You're using the right appointment status. Proceed directly to Step 3: Checking Patient Status below for further troubleshooting.
If the patient has been set to anything other than HERE: This is likely what's causing the issue. Proceed to the next step.
Check your next patient in using the HERE status and wait 30 seconds.
If the next patient DOES NOT appear in the YAPI Dashboard: Proceed to Step 3: Checking Patient Status below for further troubleshooting.
If the next patient DOES appear in the YAPI Dashboard: Either use the HERE status for all future check-ins (and your troubleshooting is done!) or, if your office needs to use different statuses for check-in, contact our Customer Support team so they can point YAPI to the appointment status you use.
For any patient that previously wasn't checking in today, you can check them into the Dashboard via Today's Schedule and check them in with the HERE status for all future appointments.
If you don't have a HERE option: Try setting the appointment to each other status on the list and waiting 30 seconds after each one. If your patient checks in, the status you chose is the one that YAPI recognizes for check-in. Either use this status for all check-ins in the future or, if you want YAPI to recognize a different status for check-in, contact our Customer Support team so they can help.
In your Open Dental schedule, select the patient's appointment:
Look at the appointment's status on the right:
If the appointment is set to Arrived: You're using the right appointment status. Proceed directly to Step 3: Checking Patient Status for further troubleshooting.
If the patient has been set to anything other than Arrived: This is likely what's causing the issue. Proceed to the next step.
Check your next patient in using the Arrived status and wait 30 seconds.
Important! DO NOT set patients to Ready, In Room, or any other status until you've waited for a patient to check into the Dashboard. Clicking Arrived and then selecting another status before YAPI is able to read the Arrived status can prevent patients from properly checking in.
If the next patient DOES appear in the YAPI Dashboard: Either use the Arrived status for all future check-ins (and your troubleshooting is done!) or, if your office needs to use different statuses for check-in, contact our Customer Support team so they can point YAPI to the appointment status you use.
For any patient that previously wasn't checking in today, you can check them into the Dashboard via Today's Schedule and check them in with the Arrived status for all future appointments.
If the next patient DOES NOT appear in the YAPI Dashboard: Proceed to Step 3: Checking Patient Status for further troubleshooting.
In Eaglesoft, locate the patient's appointment and look at its Arrival Indicator:
If the patient's indicator is YELLOW: You're using the right appointment status and this isn't what's causing the check-in issue. Proceed directly to Step 3: Checking Patient Status for further troubleshooting.
If the patient's indicator is NOT YELLOW:This is likely what's causing the issue. Proceed to the next step.
Check your next patient in by setting their Arrival Indicator to yellow and waiting 30 seconds.
Important! DO NOT set a patient's indicator to the next color until you've waited for the patient to check into the Dashboard. Cycling to the next status indicator can prevent patients from properly checking in.
If the next patient DOES appear in the YAPI Dashboard: For all future patients, always set the patient's Arrival Indicator to yellow and wait for them to appear in the Dashboard before cycling their indicator to the next color.
For any patient that previously wasn't checking in today, you can check them into the Dashboard via Today's Schedule. For all future appointments, you can check them in by setting their Arrival Indicator to yellow.
If the next patient DOES NOT appear in the YAPI Dashboard: Proceed to Step 3: Checking Patient Status for further troubleshooting.
Step 3: Checking Patient Status
For YAPI to recognize and check in a patient, they must be set to an active patient status in Dentrix, Open Dental, or Eaglesoft. To see if your patient isn't checking in because they're not set as an active patient:
In Dentrix, open the patient's Family File
and locate the patient's Status:
If their status is set to ACTIVE: The patient's status isn't causing the check-in issue and you'll need a YAPI team member to help you next. Stop here and contact our Customer Support team so they can troubleshoot further.
Tip: If you're not able to contact Customer Support right away, try checking in your patients via Today's Schedule until you can get help.
If their status is NOT SET TO ACTIVE: Double-click in the top portion of the Family File to open the Patient Information window. In the Status dropdown menu, select Patient and click OK:
Then, go to the next step.
Create a new appointment for this patient on today's schedule in Dentrix and wait 1 minute so YAPI can recognize the appointment.
Check the patient in from this new appointment.
If the patient APPEARS in the Dashboard: You're all done! You've fixed the issue and can stop here.
If the patient DOES NOT APPEAR in the Dashboard: Stop here and contact our Customer Support team so they can troubleshoot further.
Tip: If you're not able to contact Customer Support right away, try checking in your patients via Today's Schedule until you can get help.
In Open Dental, search for the patient and click on their Family module
Double-click anywhere in the Patient Information section:
In the Edit Patient Information window that pops up, locate the Status section:
If their Status is already set to "Patient": The patient status is correct and isn't what's causing the check-in issue. If your practice uses Open Dental's Clinics feature for managing multiple practice locations, proceed directly to Troubleshooting: Patients at an Open Dental Clinic Location Aren't Checking In and follow the directions there. Otherwise, stop here and contact our Customer Support team so they can troubleshoot further.
Tip: If you're not able to contact Customer Support right away, try checking in your patients via Today's Schedule until you can get help.
If their Status is NOT set to "Patient": Select Patient from the Status menu, and click OK:
Then, go to the next step.
Create a new appointment for this patient on today's schedule in Open Dental and wait 1 minute so YAPI can recognize the appointment.
Check the patient in from this new appointment.
If the patient APPEARS in the Dashboard: You're all done! You've fixed the issue and can stop here.
If the patient DOES NOT APPEAR in the Dashboard: Stop here and contact our Customer Support team so they can troubleshoot further.
Tip: If you're not able to contact Customer Support right away, try checking in your patients via Today's Schedule until you can get help.
In your Eaglesoft schedule, click on the patient's appointment, then click the Patient Information
In the Edit window that pops up, locate the Person Is section:
If the Patient checkbox is already SELECTED: The patient's status isn't causing the check-in issue, so you'll need a YAPI team member to help you next. Stop here and contact our Customer Support team so they can troubleshoot further.
Tip: If you're not able to contact Customer Support right away, try checking in your patients via Today's Schedule until you can get help.
If the Patient checkbox is NOT SELECTED: Select the Patient checkbox and click OK:
Then, go to the next step.
Create a new appointment for this patient on today's schedule in Eaglesoft and wait 1 minute so YAPI can recognize the appointment.
Check the patient in from this new appointment.
If the patient APPEARS in the Dashboard: You're all done! You've fixed the issue and can stop here.
If the patient DOES NOT APPEAR in the Dashboard: Stop here and contact our Customer Support team so they can troubleshoot further.
Tip: If you're not able to contact Customer Support right away, try checking in your patients via Today's Schedule until you can get help.