Identifying Your Practice's Server
While each workstation at your practice has access to the Yapi Dashboard, Yapi's main service is housed on your practice's server, acting as a hub to share information across your office. Most of the time, you won't need to access your server but if your IT needs to troubleshoot or if you call our Client Support team for help, you may need to know where it is so we can assist you. To learn how to find your practice's server, see our guide below.
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Finding Your Server
Your server is typically located on site at your practice or is set up on a workstation through remote access. Unfortunately there's no direct way to check all your computer workstations at once to see which one is the server, so you need to check each computer separately. Click below to see directions based on the practice management software you use:
Right-click an empty space on your Windows taskbar and choose Task Manager.
When the Task Manager opens, click the Services tab:
Click the top of the Name column to sort it alphabetically for easy reference. If you find DentrixACEServer or DtxACEServer shows in the list (as shown below), this computer is your server!
Note: If the DentrixACEServer or DtxACEServer doesn't show in the list, this computer is not the server and you need to check another workstation at your practice. If you're unsure which one to try, we recommend consulting your IT.
If none of the computers in your practice seem to be the server, consult your practice's IT. Your server may have been set up with remote access instead.
In Open Dental, navigate to the top toolbar and choose Setup, then Data Paths.
Locate your server name in the first box:
In Windows, locate your computer name. How you do this depends on the Windows operating system you're using so if you're not sure how to locate your computer name, click the "I need help locating my computer name" button below.
Cross-reference your computer name with the Server Name you found in Step 1. If the names are the same, this computer is your server!
Note: If the names are not the same, this computer is not the server and you need to check another workstation at your practice. If you're unsure which one to try, we recommend consulting your IT.
If none of the computers in your practice seem to be the server, consult your practice's IT. Your server may have been set up with remote access instead.
Check for the following icons on the computer's desktop:
If you see these icons on the desktop, this computer is your server!
Note: If you don't see these icons, this computer is likely not the server and you need to check another workstation at your practice. If you're unsure which one to try, we recommend consulting your IT.
If none of the computers in your practice seem to be the server, consult your practice's IT. Your server may have been set up with remote access instead.