Troubleshooting: YAPI Isn't Working After an Update to Dentrix, Open Dental, or Eaglesoft

If you recently updated your practice management software (Dentrix, Open Dental, or Eaglesoft) and are experiencing issues with YAPI, follow the steps below.

Table of Contents


Step 1: Restarting Your YAPI Service

We always recommend that you temporarily turn off the YAPI Service on your practice's server while you complete an update, but if you weren't able to, this can cause issues with YAPI working properly. 

Most of the time, this is fixed by following the instructions in Restarting Your YAPI Service to restart YAPI on your server.


Step 2: Calling Us for a Plugin Update

If you've restarted your YAPI Service and are still experiencing issues, you may need a plugin update, especially if the update was a major one like upgrading from Dentrix G3 to G7 or Eaglesoft 19 to Eaglesoft 20. Contact our Customer Support team and let them know you recently updated your practice management software and need help troubleshooting further.


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