Introduction to YAPI's Clinics Setup

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What Is YAPI's Clinics Feature?

While most multi-location practices have a separate server and patient database at each location, your practice may operate off of a single server with a partitioned Open Dental, Dentrix, or Eaglesoft database.  This way, multiple locations can share a server but still operate separately.  For these practices, YAPI must be installed with its Clinics Setup to interface with the shared server from each location.

While each practice management software brands this setup with a different name - Clinics in Open Dental, Sites in Eaglesoft, and Views in Dentrix - we started out interfacing with Open Dental users, so we generally refer to YAPI's corresponding settings as a "Clinics Setup" and to each location as a "clinic."

Using a Clinics Setup for YAPI doesn't have any additional costs attached; it just requires a bit of extra setup during your installation.  It does have some limitations when it comes to using YAPI, though, so make sure to check out our Feature Limitations section below.


Feature Limitations of Clinics

Because YAPI has to work with your shared database, there are some limitations to several features of YAPI when you have a Clinics Setup:

Dashboard Check-In

  • For patients to check in properly to the correct location's Dashboard, their appointment must be scheduled at that location within Open Dental, Eaglesoft, or Dentrix. Also, for Open Dental Users, the patient, appointment, provider, and operatory must all be assigned to the same Clinic location in Open Dental.  

    If you already use this setup in your practice management software, this likely comes as second nature, but it's important that your team is meticulous about it - especially Open Dental users - to ensure that patients check in smoothly every time.

Paperless Forms

  • All practice locations must share the same New Patient Welcome Email template and new patient online package links.

  • All practice locations must share the same Document Queue Document_Queue.png.  Patient-submitted online forms for all locations collect in the same folder on every location's Practice Dashboard.  

Appointment & Recall Reminders, Emails, and Texts


  • InstaReview can only use one Business ID per review type (Google, Yelp, Facebook, and Healthgrades).  This means the review links in InstaReview texts can only point to a single practice location and not necessarily the location that a patient visited.  If you choose to set up and use InstaReview, select business IDs for the location that best represents your entire practice online. (Your trainer can help you with this.)


  • YAPI Pay is not supported for Clinics practices.


Preparing Your Practice Management Software for YAPI's Clinics Setup

To ensure proper installation, you must have your Open Dental Clinics, Eaglesoft Sites, or Dentrix Views already set up prior to your YAPI installation appointment.  Your operatory names must also be distinct at each location.  For example, if you had two locations, one on the North side of town and one on the South side, you might set up your operatories like this:

Example North Clinic Location:


Example South Clinic Location:


  • Open Dental Users - You must also have all patients, appointments, providers, and operatories assigned to the appropriate Clinic within Open Dental.  If a provider works at multiple locations, make sure to create a separate instance of the provider in Open Dental for each location and assign each instance to their appropriate Clinic.  For more details, see Clinics on the Open Dental Manual website.  

  • Eaglesoft Users - You must also have all patients, appointments, providers, and operatories assigned to the appropriate Site within Eaglesoft.  If a provider works at multiple locations, make sure to create a separate instance of the provider in Eaglesoft for each location and assign each instance to their appropriate Site. For more details, see Eaglesoft's nSite Overview.

  • Dentrix Users - You must also have all  appointments, providers, and operatories assigned to the appropriate View within Dentrix.  If a provider works at multiple locations, make sure to create a separate instance of the provider in Dentrix for each location and assign each instance to their appropriate View. For more details, see Appointment Book View Options In Dentrix on the Dentrix website.


Configuring YAPI for Use with Clinics

During installation, your installer will complete most of YAPI's Clinics Setup for you by:

  • Entering the contact information for each Clinic location.

  • Matching each provider to their appropriate Clinic in YAPI's Global Setup.

  • Assigning the YAPI Dashboard operatories for your entire practice to each, distinct location so only your location's operatories appear on your workstation.

  • Showing you how to set up your workstations and iPads to interface with the correct Clinic location.  This way, you see the right operatories on your Dashboard and can easily communicate with your location's providers.

Once the installation on your server is complete, you can then install YAPI on the rest of your workstations and on your office's iPads.  Instructions for practices using a Clinics setup are included in Installing YAPI on a New Computer Workstation and Installing & Connecting YAPI on an iPad.


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