Adding, Editing, and Deleting Canned Text Messages

If your team often texts the same messages to patients over and over, you can save time by creating a list of pre-composed Canned Messages in YAPI.  This way, when you send a text, you can choose from your list instead having to type out messages and responses that you use frequently.  To create and edit your team's list of Canned Messages, follow the directions below.

Why Use a Canned Message and Not a Text Template? Canned Messages are meant for short, quick texts that your team uses often.  You can also use pre-composed text templates for the same purpose, but text templates are truly meant to be used in YAPI's automated system for New Patient Welcomes, appointment reminders, and recall reminders.

Table of Contents


Adding Messages to Your Canned Messages List

To add a new Canned Message to your team's list:


  1. From the YAPI Dashboard, click Setup and Manage .  Then, select Tools, then Administrative Tools, Canned Messages, and Mobile Text:


  2. In the Canned Responses window, click the empty box in the Message column and enter your frequently-used message:


    Warning! DO NOT use Merge Tags in Canned Messages.  Merge tags are meant only for templates used in YAPI's automated texting systems; they are not supported for this feature.
  3. Optional: Repeat Step 2 to add additional Canned Messages.

  4. Click Save.  Your Canned Messages will now appear in a selectable list whenever you open the Send a Text Message window to send a text:



Editing & Deleting Existing Canned Messages

If you need to edit a message on your practice's Canned Messages list or delete one altogether:

  1. From the YAPI Dashboard, click Setup and Manage Setup_and_Manage.png.  Then, select Tools, then Administrative Tools, Canned Messages, and Mobile Text:


  2. In the Canned Responses window:

    • To Edit a Message: Triple-click on the message you want to edit to select it.  Then, just edit the text as needed:


    • To Delete a Message: Click the empty box to the left of the message you want to delete to highlight it.  Then tap Delete on your keyboard.


  3. Click Save.  


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