Setting Up Emails to Automatically Send at Checkout

If you have a message you want patients to receive once they leave your office, you can set up emails to automatically send when you dismiss patients from the Dashboard.  This is a great option to follow up with each of your patients or send a thank you to just the new ones - you can even attach a PDF.  To learn how, follow the instructions below.

Note: To set up this feature, you need to have created the email template with the message you want to send to patients and imported any PDFs you want to attach to the email.

Table of Contents


Setting Up Emails to Send at Checkout

To set up one or more emails that send automatically once a patient is dismissed:


  1. From the YAPI Dashboard, click Setup and Manage Setup_and_Manage.png and select Global Setup.

  2. When prompted, enter your YAPI password and click OK.

  3. In the Global Setup window that opens, navigate to the Automation tab.

  4. Right-click in the Emails on Checkout section and select Add Document:


  5. In the Email Document window:


    • Select Email Template: Select the email template you want to send automatically upon checkout from the dropdown menu.

    • Subject: Leave this space blank.  YAPI will automatically use the Subject line already present in your email template.

    • Attach PDF Document (Optional): Select a PDF document that you want to attach in the email. Remember: You must import a PDF into YAPI to be able to select it here.

    • Send To: Select All if you want this setting to apply to all patients or select New Patients if you want this setting to apply only a patient's first visit.

    • How Often: Select how often you want this email to send at checkout:

      • Every Visit
      • Only Once
      • Once Every 3 Months - Sends to patients upon checkout only if 3 months has passed since their last visit.
      • Once Every 6 Months - Sends to patients upon checkout only if 6 months has passed since their last visit.
      • Once Every 12 Months - Sends to patients upon checkout only if 12 months has passed since their last visit.

        Warning!  DO NOT select the Never option when configuring this setting.  If you select this option, the automatic email you set up will never send.
  6. Optional: Select Send only if no mobile phone if you only want this email to send at checkout for patients that don't have a mobile phone number in Dentrix, Open Dental, or Eaglesoft.

  7. Click Ok, then Save, then OK again.

  8. Optional: Repeat steps 4-7 for any additional emails you want sent at checkout.

Tip for Canadian & Clinics Practices: If you're not able to use InstaReview to gather patient reviews, Emails on Checkout is a great option for you!  Simply create an email template that asks patients to review your practice and add a link button that sends them to your Google review page.  You can use Finding Your Google Place ID for InstaReview to find your Google ID, then add it to the end of this address: "". Add the link to your template and you can use that template in Emails on Checkout to ask patients for reviews!



Editing Your "Emails on Checkout" Settings

To edit an Email on Checkout that you set up previously:

  1. From the YAPI Dashboard, click Setup and Manage Setup_and_Manage.png and select Global Setup.

  2. When prompted, enter your YAPI password and click OK.

  3. In the Global Setup window that opens, navigate to the Automation tab.

  4. In the Emails on Checkout section, right-click in on the gray document icon Screen_Shot_2022-07-29_at_2.10.58_PM.png and select Edit:


  5. In the Email Document window, make your changes as needed.

  6. Click Ok, then Save, then OK again.


Removing an Email You Set Up to Send at Checkout

To remove an Email on Checkout that you set up previously:

  1. From the YAPI Dashboard, click Setup and Manage Setup_and_Manage.png and select Global Setup.

  2. When prompted, enter your YAPI password and click OK.

  3. In the Global Setup window that opens, navigate to the Automation tab.

  4. In the Emails on Checkout section, right-click in on the gray document icon Screen_Shot_2022-07-29_at_2.10.58_PM.png and select Remove:


  5. When asked if you want to remove this Email on Checkout, click Yes:


  6. Click Ok, then Save, then OK again.


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