Replacing Preferred Names with First Names in Text Templates

All of YAPI's pre-installed email and text templates include Merge Tags that pull patient information - like their name - into the final message so it's personalized to them.  One of the Merge Tags they all use is [[PREFNAME]], which inserts the patient's preferred name into the message or their first name if no preferred name is listed.  On occasion, though, we've found that some practices used the Preferred Name field in Dentrix, Open Dental, or Eaglesoft for other things (like notes or pronunciation guides) and prefer their templates to just use the patient's official first name.  If you're one of these practices, learn how to replace the preferred name Merge Tag [[PREFNAME]] in your text templates with the first name one below.

Table of Contents


Replacing the [[PREFNAME]] Merge Tag with [[FIRST]]

To replace the [[PREFNAME]] Merge Tag in each of your text templates so that YAPI includes the patient's first name (and not their preferred name) in your texts to them:

  1. From the YAPI Dashboard, click Setup and Manage Setup_and_Manage.png and select Manage Documents and Templates.

  2. When prompted, enter your YAPI password and click OK.

  3. In the Manage Documents and Templates window, navigate to the Mobile Templates tab.

  4. Click a template to select it, then click Edit:


  5. In the body of the text, find the Merge Tag "[[PREFNAME]]".  Replace the text inside it with "FIRST" as shown below:


  6. Click Save.

  7. Repeat Steps 3-6 for each of your text templates.


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