Setting YAPI to Keep Copies of Unfiled Online Forms for Longer than 99 Days

When patients complete their forms online, these forms send automatically to the Document Queue docqueueon.png in your YAPI Dashboard so you can file them into Dentrix, Open Dental, or Eaglesoft at your convenience.  By default, YAPI keeps these forms in the Document Queue  for 99 days so you have time to file them, but removes any unfiled forms after this time so your server isn't filled up with forms from no-show patients.  You can change this setting, however, so that YAPI keeps forms in the Document Queue for longer than 99 days.  Find out how below.

Note: The longer you set YAPI to store forms without deleting them, the more server space is needed.  (And how much depends on the volume of your practice.) We recommend you consult your IT professional before making this change to ensure you have plenty of server space.

Table of Contents


Changing the Purge Document Queue Setting

To change the amount of time YAPI saves patient online forms in the Document Queue:


  1. From the YAPI Dashboard, click Setup and Manage Setup_and_Manage.png and select Global Setup.

  2. When prompted, enter your YAPI password and click OK.

  3. Navigate to the Documents tab and locate the pink section in the top left.

  4. Next to Purge Document Queue after, select the number of days you want YAPI to keep forms in the Document Queue that haven't been filed into your practice management software.


  5. Click Save, then OK, then OK again.  You do not need to restart your workstation.

Why not keep forms in the Document Queue forever?  Every extra copy takes up space on your server, so if YAPI doesn't purge these regularly, you can fill up your server's memory, making it impossible for YAPI or your practice management software to function properly.  


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