Setting Premedicate Text Reminders for Your Patients
Included within its automated Appointment Reminder settings, YAPI has an additional automated feature that reminds patients to premedicate prior to an appointment. Below, you'll find more about how YAPI's premedicate reminders work, how to enable them in YAPI, and how to set a premedicate reminder for a patient within your practice management software.
Table of Contents
- How Premedicate Reminders Work
- Enabling Premedicate Text Messages in YAPI
- Setting a Premedicate Reminder for a Patient
- Related Articles
How Premedicate Reminders Work
YAPI's premedicate text reminders send patients a text at 10AM the day before their appointment reminding them to premedicate. By using our default template, merge tags automatically populate the patient's preferred name, appointment date, and your practice name:
To use premedicate text reminders, all you need to do is enable them within YAPI and then make sure your patients are marked as "premedicate" within your practice management software! And if you have "Premed" or "Premedicate" in your list of medical conditions, YAPI's paperless forms also allow patients to mark themselves as premedicate right on their Medical History form.
Some things to note:
Premedicate reminders requires YAPI housekeeping (happens automatically overnight) to run at least once between marking the patient as premed and their appointment date. Patients who schedule same day can't receive premed reminders.
YAPI reads a patient's appointment and patient notes for the words "premed" or "premedicate" but ignores all other words. Make sure your patient notes don't say things like "no premed" or "doesn't need to premedicate" since these will still trigger premedicate reminders.
Premedicate reminders are general reminders that don't list a patient's particular medications within the text. We recommend checking in with patients when booking the appointment to make sure they know which medications to take.
Enabling the Premedicate Text Messages in YAPI
From the YAPI Dashboard, click Setup and Manage
and select Global Setup.
When prompted, enter your YAPI password.
In the Global Setup window that pops up, click the Reminders tab.
In the purple Pre-medicate text section, make sure the Enable box is checked.
The Template box should already show a template selected, but if the box is blank, click the double arrow >> button, select Text reminder premedicate and click Select.
Click Save!
Setting a Premedicate Reminder for a Patient
Dentrix Users (G7 and above)
In Dentrix versions G7 and above, there are two ways to mark a patient as premed so that they get a premedicate reminder: by assigning them a premedicate medical condition or creating a premedicate patient alert.
Setting Premed via a Medical Condition
In Dentrix, select the patient who needs to premedicate.
Click the available Health History
button for that patient.
In the Health History pop-up, click the Add icon and select Medical Condition.
In the Add Medical Condition pop-up, click the double-arrow >> icon next to Medical Condition.
Select "Premed" or "Premedicate."
Warning! DO NOT use the Dentrix premed defaults with a "*Pre-Med -" prefix; these won't trigger premed reminders through YAPI. If you don't already have a Medical Condition with the spelling "Premed" or "Premedicate," click the cog
icon to add one. For this Medical Condition to also show as an integrated Medical Condition on your YAPI forms, see Updating the Lists of Medical Conditions, Allergies, & Medications That Show on Your Medical History Form: Dentrix G7+
Click OK, then OK again.
Setting Premed via a Patient Alert
In Dentrix, select the patient who needs to premedicate.
Click the Patient Alerts
In the Create Patient Alerts pop-up, select where you want the Patient Alert to display in Dentrix or click the All checkbox to select all areas.
In the Description box, enter the word "Premed" or "Premedicate" (no hyphen).
Add any appropriate notes to the Note box and click OK.
Dentrix Users (G6 and below)
In Dentrix versions G6 and below, set a Medical Alert for the patient to receive premedicate reminders:
- In Dentrix, select the patient who needs to premedicate.
Click the available Medical Alerts
In the Medical Alerts pop-up, click Edit and select "Premed" or "Premedicate."
Note: If you don't already have a Medical Condition with the spelling "Premed" or "Premedicate," you'll need to add one to the list. To learn how to add one, we recommend DentrixDoesIt's Medical Alerts tutorial.
- Click OK, then OK again.
Open Dental Users
In Open Dental, there are three ways to mark a patient as premed so that they get a premedicate reminder: by assigning them a premedicate medical condition, by adding the words "premed" or "premedicate" in a Popup, or by using Open Dental's native Premedicate checkbox.
Setting Premed via Open Dental's Native Setting
Within Open Dental, select the patient who needs to premedicate.
Click Chart
to open their Chart Module and double-click the pink Problems section.
Click the Medical Info tab and check the Premedicate (PAC or other) checkbox.
Click OK.
Setting Premed via a Medical Condition
Within Open Dental, select the patient who needs to premedicate.
Click Chart
to open their Chart Module and double-click the pink Problems section.
Click the Problems tab, then click +Add Problem.
In the Problems pop-up, select "Premed" or "Premedicate."
Note: Open Dental's existing *Pre-Med - Clind, *Pre-Med - Amox, and *Pre-Med - Other, won't trigger premedicate reminders through YAPI. If you don't already have a Problem with the spelling "Premed" or "Premedicate," click the +Add button to add one. For this Problem to also show as an integrated Medical Condition on your YAPI forms, see Updating the Lists of Medical Conditions, Allergies, & Medications That Show on Your Medical History Form: Open Dental
Click OK, then OK again.
Setting Premed via a Popup
Within Open Dental, select the patient who needs to premedicate.
Click Popups in the top toolbar.
Click +Add.
In the Popup Message box, write the word "premed" or "premedicate," then click OK and Close.
Eaglesoft Users
In Eaglesoft, there are three ways to mark a patient as premed so that they get a premedicate reminder: by using the native "Pre-Med Necessary" setting, by assigning them a premedicate medical condition, or by creating making a note in their patient memo.
Setting Premed Via Eaglesoft's Native Setting
From your Eaglesoft Schedule view, open the Edit Patient window for the patient who needs to premedicate.
Click the Preferences button.
When the Patient Preferences pop-up appears, select the Pre-Med Necessary checkbox.
In the Prescription Template menu that appears, select a medication from the list:
Close the Patient Preferences window, then click OK.
Setting Premed Via a Patient Memo
From your Eaglesoft Schedule view, open the Edit Patient window for the patient who needs to premedicate.
Click the Memo button.
When the Patient Memo pop-up appears, type the word "Premed" or "Premedicate" anywhere within the memo, then close the window.
- Click OK.
Setting Premed via a Patient Alert
From your Eaglesoft Schedule view, open the Edit Patient window for the patient who needs to premedicate.
Click the Alerts button.
When the Patient Alerts pop-up appears, select PREMEDICATE from the Available Alerts on the left and click >>Add to move it to Alerts for this Patient on the right. Then close the window.
- Click OK.
Linking a Patient Alert with a Medical Condition
For Eaglesoft to integrate premed text functionality through a medical condition, you must have a condition or question on your Eaglesoft Medical History form tied to a premedicate Patient Alert. For more about editing your Eaglesoft Medical History and importing it into YAPI, see Importing Eaglesoft Medical History Forms into YAPI.
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- Updating the Lists of Medical Conditions, Allergies, & Medications That Show on Your Medical History Form: Dentrix G7+
- Updating the Lists of Medical Conditions, Allergies, & Medications That Show on Your Medical History Form: Open Dental